Rich dad poor dad
Important lines of Rich Dad Poor Dad to make Money.
**Following images have no concern with paragraphs. These are just to draft article cool.**
Why take risks?" "Why should I bother developing financial IQ ?" "Why should I become financially literate?"And I answer," just to have more options."
Games reflect behavior. They are instant feedback systems.
I do it because I want to make money fast. Not because I need to, but because I want to.
The single most powerful asset we all have in our mind. If it is trained well, it can create enormous wealth.
The problem with secure investments is that they are often sanitized, that is, made so safe that the gains are less.
Sometimes you win and sometimes you learn. But have fun.
People who avoid failure also avoid success.
Great opportunities are not seen by your eyes. They are seen with your mind.
"You want to know a little about a lot" was a rich dad's suggestion.
If you are not a good leader, you'll get shot in the back, just like they do in business.
It best to broke before 30. "You still have time to recover it."
A job is an acronym for "just over broke."
"Highly specialized; then unionize. "It's the smart thing to do.
The primary difference between a rich person and a poor person is how they manage fear.
In my own life, i have noticed that winning usually follows losing. Before i finally learned to ride a bike, I first fell down many times. I've never met a golfer who has never lost a golf ball. i've never met people who have fallen in love who have never had their heart unbroken. And I've never met someone rich who has never lost money.
"Everyone wants to go to heaven, But no one wants to die"
For most people, the reason that they don't win financially is that the pain of losing money is far greater than the joy of being rich.
Failures inspire winners.
Failures defeat losers.
It is the biggest secret of winners.
It's the secret that losers do not know.
Winning means being unafraid to lose.
It often takes great courage to not let rumors and talk to doom and gloom affect your doubts and fears.
Cynics never win.
Cynics criticize, and winners analyze.
What is the cure of laziness?
The answer is - a little greed.
Greedy people are bad people,"My mom used to say. Yet we all have inside of us this yearning to have nice, new, or exciting things.
Rich dad believed the words. "I can't afford it "Shut down your brain." How can I afford it ?" opens up possibilities, excitement, and dreams
I can't afford it also causes sadness, helplessness that leads to despondency and often depression. "How can i afford it? " opens up possibilities, excitement, and dreams.
How do you beat laziness? once again, the answer is little greed. It's that radio station WII-FM, which stands for "What's in it for me?"
A person needs to sit down and ask, " What would my life be like if never had to work again?" What would i do if i had all the money needed?"
Be Little greedy. It's the best cure for laziness.
If i pay myself first, I get financially stronger, mentally and fiscally.
When you know you are ignorant in a subject, start educating yourself by finding an expert in the field or a book on the subject.
There is a gold everywhere. Most people are not trained to see it.
To find million-dollar "deals of a lifetime" requires us to call on our financial genius. I believed that each of us has a financial genius within us.
When people ask me what my reason for wanting to be rich is, i tell them that it is a combination of deep emotional "Wants" and "don't wants".
I have learned that, without a strong reason or purpose, anything in life is hard.
Many rich families lose their assests in the next generation simply because there was no one trained to be good steward over their assets.
For 90% of the population, being rich is too much of hassle. so they invent sayings that go: "I'm not interested in money." "I'll never be rich." "I don't have to worry." " I'm still young." "When i make some money, then i'll think about my future." "My husbands/wives handles the finances.
Arrogant or critical people are often people with low-esteem who are afraid of taking risks. that's because, if you learn something new, you are then required to make mistakes in order to fully understand what you have learned.
Listening is more important than talking. If that were not true, God would not given us two ears and only one mouth.
I constantly remind people to not to focus on their product, service, or widget, but to focus on developing management skills.
The three important management skills necessary to start your own business are management of :
Poor people have poor habits. A common bad habit is innocently called "dipping into savings." The rich know that savings are only used to create more money not to pay bills.
The sophisticated investor's first question is :"How fast do i get my money back?"
Whenever you feel short or in need of something, give what you want first and it will come back in buckets. That is true for money, a smile, love, or friendship.
"God doesn't need to receive, but humans need to give."
It is true that your world is only a mirror of you.
I offer you 10 steps as a process to develop your God-given powers, Power over which only you have control:
Find a reason greater than than reality: the power of spirit
Make daily choices: the power of choice.
Choose friends carefully: the power of association.
Master a formula and then learn a new quick one: the power of learning quickly.
Pay yourself first: the power of self-discipline.
Pay your brokers well: the power of good advice.
Be an Indian giver: The power of getting something for nothing.
Use assets to buy luxuries: the power of focus.
Choose heroes: the power of myth.
Teach and you shall receive: the power of giving.
Always remember: Profits are made in the buying, not in the selling.
The idea that " it takes money to make money" is the thinking of financially unsophisticated people. It doesn't mean that they are not intelligent.They have simply not i learned the science of money making money.
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